Symptoms, risks, diagnosis, and treatment of Breast Cancer
Breast Caner starts in a cell. The cells grow and divide into our body. When a cell grows old, it dies, replacing it with a new cell as our body need them. However, sometimes the process may be incorrect. New cells formed and grow but the body does not need them. The old cells should die but they don't.
There are two kinds of tumors: The Benign Tumors and the Malignant Tumors.
Benign Tumors
- are not life-threatening .
- it can be removed and never come back
- It does not spread through the body
- It won't occupy the tissues around them
- Serious that benign Tumors and it is a life-threatening
- It can be removed but the possibility to come back
- it will occupy the tissues around them
- it will spread through out the body
The risks are those that increase the chance of having a breast cancer.
- Age - women with over 6o years old may have high risk of breast cancer
- Personal history of breast cancer - if the other breast is already removed, then the other breast may have high risk of breast cancer
- Family History - Heriditary.
- Certain breast changes
- Reproductive and menstrual history
- Radiation therapy to the chest
- Breast density
- Taking DES (diethylstilbestrol)
- Being overweight or obese after menopause
- Lack of physical activity
- Drinking alcohol
- Changes of your nipple - how you feel
- changes of your nipple - how it looks like
- Nipple discharge (fluid)
Here are the breast cancer diagnosis:
- Clinical breast exam
- Diagnostic mammogram
- Ultrasound
- Magnetic resonance imaging
- Biopsy
- Hormone receptor test
- HER2 test
breast cancer symptoms, breast cancer diagnosis, breast cancer types and others at
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nice article..nice blog
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